jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2007

Seriously, come on

OK. So it is 6:45 am and I do not want to be awake right now. And yet. So, body I have one question for you: what's up?

I admit that I allowed you to catch a cold and that congestion can make sleeping more difficult. I also admit that yesterday we consumed more cafinated beverages then usual (two cafe con leches and two earl grey teas). I just wanted them for their warm, throat-soothing abilities and I thought that since we had them all before 6pm, that things would work out. We didn't go to bed until 1am. And weren't you tired by then? You didn't want to keep reading (even though we're re-reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" and it is so pleasantly familiar, like getting back in touch with a friend and remembering that you forgot how funny he can be) so I turned out the light. And pretty quickly we weren't feeling so conscious anymore.

But. Then. A mere four and half hours later, zing, wakefullness re-emerged. I tried to wait it out, to ignore your protestations, but I gave in. I got you water. I took you to the bathroom. I blew your nose. But you remain steadfast in your refusal to go back to sleep.

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