martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

A sequence of words, often alliterative, difficult to articulate quickly

Yup. This week is tongue twister week for the students at Txindoki Alkartasuna and for the most part they are eating it up. I may have blown my heretofore assumed coolness by revealing that I can say "Betty Botter bought some butter..." at warp speed, but I think it's worth it for the resulting laughter. Whatever. It's kind of a neat skill. For the first 15 years that I possessed it (or maybe more like 17 ), it was regarded as supremely annoying. Now is its moment of redemption.

Also enjoyable: in trying to understand the phrase "selfish shellfish" at least three students have independently guessed that "selfish" means fish seller. They are so smart! Though, unfortunately, also so wrong, at least in this case.

In non-tongue-twister related news, I went to a lovely Bloc Party concert in Bilbao this weekend. It rocked at just the right level for me: at no point was I frightened for my life but I did frequently feel inspired to jump around. After the concert the venue turned into a club and not just any club but a club full of Spanish hipsters. We could have been in New York, we could have been in Minneapolis, we could have been in Seattle, but actually we were in Spain and maybe that's why we stayed out way too late. We caught the 5:54am train home (to my friend's house in a town near Bilbao) and had to deal with a lot of very drunk teenagers. I have, I believe, in the past complained about the drinking age in the US but now it strikes me as entirely appropriate. Teenagers should not drink because drunk teenagers are really annoying.

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