martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

It was peculiar in its ease

Every week (OK, I like to generalize it hasn't been very many weeks yet) I don't want to go to work on Monday. My ridiculous four day weekends lull me into a level of relaxation that is difficult to shake off. But then once I start work, it's fun! It's like bath time when you're a little kid, you don't want to get in and then you don't want to get out.

This week I've ben talking about Halloween with my students. Actually, I've been giving them lame Halloween themed jokes and then we try to figure out what they mean. The biggest hit so far? "What do you get when there's a witch in the desert? A sandwich!" Yup. I think that it's popularity is due to its breath-taking simplicity...or something. The students are pretty cute. They actually get excited when they understand a joke. Today I heard some of them talking about the "sandwich joke" in the hall. Oh , yeah. Also, I've been giving them candy, which can't hurt. Though the portion of my budget spent on candy is getting a little ridiculous.

The week in review (OK, yeah, the last 2 days):

Best Moment:
Me: What did you do this weekend?
Student: I looked up Seattle on google earth and saw the Space Needle.

Worst Moment:
Student (in Spanish): I don't understand anything that you're saying.
Me: OK. Sorry. I can say it again more slowly...
Student (in an annoyed voice): I just don't understand any English.

Weirdest Moment:
Student: Have you ever been to the Playboy Mansion?
Me: No.

I other, non-teaching related news, I am becoming a master soup-maker. Last week was lentil and this week is mushroom. It's really all about chicken stock and garlic. Delicious.

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