miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

I´m an ennumeration fiend

New Lists Today!

Interesting things about my living situation:
-I am the only girl out of four people and the only non-spaniard. So far I´ve only met two of them and they´re both nice and willing to explain the lame jokes in the spanish television shows that we watch.
-My apartment is on the fourth floor and there´s no elevator. Calves of steel, baby.
-The washer is still broken. I haven´t done laundry in two weeks. Yesterday, I bought 4 new pairs of underwear (at "Women´s Secret") and now I should be OK for a little bit longer. One pair is bright orange. I´m not sure how this happened...in the store they looked coral, I swear.
-It´s near a mall called "fnac." I´m sure this stands for something but I have no idea what. As a result I go around singing a song (well, sort of a song) that goes something like "fnac-a-nac-a-nac, fnac-a-nac-a-nac-a-nac."

Skills that I´m improving unexpectedly:
-My jay-walking abilitiy. Everyone does it here and I think I´ve finally recovered from the incident several years ago when I got yelled at by a Seattle cop for this same action ("THE FLASHING HAND MEANS STOP"). Also, I spend a lot of time walking around with a fellow auxiliar de conversación who is from New York. What doesn´t kill you makes you stronger (yesterday I had a near miss with a bus, hmmm).
-My text-messaging ability. It´s way cheaper than calling. So I´m finally joining whatever century it is that we´re currently enjoying. My hatred for abreviations means that I´ve got to compensate with mad speediness. Or that´s the plan anyway.
-Stair climbing (see above).

Interesting things about San Sebastian:
-It´s on the beach. The beach is the center of all well-being, so that´s nice.
-It rains a lot here! I know, I know, I´m from Seattle, blablabla. But, guess what? In Seattle it only drizzles. Here it rains hard. For hours. I need to cough up the euros to buy some boots.
-I already recognize all the homeless people. And then there´s the guy (I don´t think he´s homeless, he seems awfully well-kempt) who reads "poetry" with a microphone on the street, accompanied by some warm 106.9 style elevator music.

Books that I´m currently reading:
-Goldbug Variations (Richard Powers, I love you, but you´re bringing me down.)
-El Asesinato de Roger Ackroyd (Agatha Christie in Spanish! Thanks, San Sebastian public library!)
-Poetry in Spanish (Slooow-going. I aspire to translate some of it. So far, I´ve translated a total of: one poem. And very poorly at that.)

Wonders of the Spanish Grocery Store:
-It´s super hard to find baking-powder (some on, guys, I just want to make pancakes).
-The milk is...unrefridgerated!
-There are a zillion kinds of "breakfast cookies."
-Goat cheese is cheaper than all other cheese, excepting processed-sliced.

All and all, things are pretty great these days. Maybe, at some point I´ll actually start working or somthing. Yeah, that might be good.

2 comentarios:

Elizabeth dijo...

I am delighted to learn that your propensity to make lists remains intact.

Emily dijo...

lists!! the best way to give a lot of information in a relatively small number of words. i miss you.