miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Why we write

1) I like school a lot and miss it and want it again.
2) a) I like to study lots of different things and most of all I like to make connections between things.
b) The little details bog me down; I am scared of the specificity of graduate study.
3) I want to be able to make a living doing something that I enjoy.

I should go to library school.

What if it is boring and "not like real graduate school," being too easy/technique focused? (AKA what if it is not just all about studying lots of different and semi-arcane things and then gleefully uniting them?)

Keep reading lots of stuff and writing about it (preferably using it indirectly, stealing its sounds and rhythms). It is OK to only have the attention span of a New Yorker article, it is OK to have wide ranging discussions that jump from physics to linguistics to cognitive science and it is OK to try to explain everything, as a way of showing how and why everything cannot be explained.

I want to funnel information through me and have it come out different and mixed up and beautiful. I want things to mean something. I just really do.

2 comentarios:

Emily dijo...

I wonder if there are librarians who actually interested in library science. This seems a strange concept to me--I'm drawn to it for the same reason you are: I want to keep learning for the rest of my life,and my interests don't seem to stay steady long enough for me to want to commit to being engaged with them for a large majority of my life.

Besides, as I (sort of) learned with nursing school, it's not necessarily that I want to BE a nurse-midwife, but that I want to know about being a nurse-midwife. Being a librarian seems to be a compromise, in that I 1) have a career that is financially stable and 2) get to keep learning about lots of different things.

Gesse, you are a FANTASTIC writer. You're one of the most talented people I know--reading your blog has only confirmed that for me. If you want to write, I think you should do it. And of course no one says you can't write AND go to library school. But if you're trying to decide between, go with what your heart tells you.

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